
Childhood Psychology

Create an unbreakable
bond with your child

Do you often:

🫤 Have self-doubts wondering if you’re making the right decisions for your child?

😩 Feel the pressure to adhere to specific parenting styles and have advice overload?

😮‍💨 Face challenges related to discipline, setting boundaries, and managing your child’s behaviour?



Childhood Psychology

An online program designed to help you dive into four key categories that shape your child's development:

  1. Childhood Attachment: Building a Strong Emotional Foundation

  2. Mental Representations: Unraveling the Inner World of Your Child

  3. Identity Formation: Nurturing a Positive Sense of Self

  4. Communication in Early Years: Fostering Healthy Bonds Through Dialogue

By the end of this program, you'll know exactly how to:

  • Establish a strong emotional bond with your child

  • Decode your child's behavior and emotions

  • Navigate the challenges of identity formation and early communication

What people say

What’s included

Why Childhood Is Important

Introduction - Why Childhood Is Important

Learn how childhood memories shape us as adults. Understanding childhood through legal frameworks and psychological perspectives will help you understand its transformative phase, including survival, environmental control, and social context.

How To Bond Better With Your Child

Attachment - Lesson 1

We learn the main theories of attachment, including Bowlby's and Ainsworth's work. These help you understand the factors for raising securely attached children and the critical period in which they need to develop a secure attachment.

What Are Internal Working Models

Attachment - Lesson 2

This is all about the internal working models and their impact on parenting styles. By understanding these models, you’ll gain insight into how our upbringing shapes our attachment styles and influences our relationships throughout life.

parenting styles for attachment

Attachment - Lesson 3

It is time to learn about factors that can enhance our parenting and help us raise securely attached children. We also learn about the consequences of insecure parenting styles, which lead to children feeling unsafe and developing behavioral problems.

develop a strong bond with your child

Attachment - Lesson 4

We uncover guidelines that will help your child become securely attached. By learning how to be attentive and responsive to your child's physical and emotional needs, you can establish a stable bond with them and teach them how to nurture their future relationship.

how children develop a sense of self

Identity - Lesson 1

We explore how children develop their sense of self and identity, from realizing their own existence to becoming aware of their place in the world and the groups they belong to.

how children develop gender identity

Identity - Lesson 2

We highlight the most influential theories around gender identity and dive into the complexities of how they come to perceive and understand the social expectations and roles that are associated with being male or female, as well as the biological factors of that process.

Can Gender Identity Change Over Time

Identity - Lesson 3

We conclude our discussion on identity by exploring that it's not just a matter of children absorbing messages from the world around them like sponges. They're active participants in constructing their own identities, and how we should support them in this journey.

How Do Mental Representations Work

Mental Representations - Lesson 1

We explore the way children learn, process information, and make sense of the world around them. We explain how their mind works, from stimulus to perception, all the way up to forming mental representations, and how these representations manifest into actual behavior. 

How Can I Achieve My Goals In Life

Mental Representations - Lesson 2

We unwrap how positive representations can lead to greater self-esteem, emotional regulation, social skills, and goal achievement, and how negative representations can lead to difficulties with emotional regulation, low self-esteem, and a preference for short-term rewards. 

How To Communicate With Your Children

Communication - Lesson 1

We learn about shared attention, intention-reading, and the common ground of proper communication. Knowing how these processes work can help you connect with your children and support their language and social skills development.

Pre Verbal Communication Skills

Communication - Lesson 2

We delve into the world of pre-verbal communication and how babies begin to connect words with objects and actions. This knowledge can be precious for parents who want to create supportive and responsive interactions with their children.

With the knowledge in this course, you'll go...

From this:

❌ Struggling to maintain a fragile bond with your child

❌ Stressing to interpret your child's thoughts and feelings

❌ Feeling insecure while facing parenting challenges

To this:

✅ Forging an unbreakable connection with your child

✅ Decoding your child's thoughts and feelings effortlessly

✅ Navigating parenting challenges with confidence

Ready to invest in your child’s future?

Hey, I’m Dimitris

I’ll be your instructor

As a Psychology Dip. H.E., my passion for childhood psychology ignited during my studies. Reflecting on the knowledge I wished my parents had, I embarked on a mission to share this knowledge I gained with others. Two years ago, I started researching in an attempt to design my first cohort program on how to “Understand Childhood Psychology”. This program empowers you to navigate parenting complexities with confidence, building empathy, effective communication, and fostering emotional well-being. The knowledge you’ll gain will become a powerful tool that will not only unlock the mysteries of childhood but also strengthen your parent-child bond, creating a harmonious and fulfilling journey of growth and development for both you and your child.


Who is this course designed for?

This course is specifically designed for parents who want to enhance their parenting skills by gaining a deeper understanding of childhood psychology. Whether you are a new parent or have young children, the course provides valuable insights applicable to various stages of early childhood.

What are the main benefits of taking this course?

By enrolling in this course, you'll gain insights into childhood attachment, mental representations, identity formation, and communication in the early years. The knowledge acquired will empower you to build stronger emotional connections with your child, understand their thought processes, nurture a positive sense of self, and enhance communication for a more fulfilling parenting experience.

How long is the course, and can I go at my own pace?

The course is designed to accommodate your schedule. It consists of self-paced modules, allowing you to progress at a speed that suits your lifestyle. The total duration varies based on individual learning speeds, but most participants find completion within a few weeks. However, the cohorts will be split over a 4-week period in which the live Q&A will take place. Having said that, you will have lifetime access to the material of the course to accommodate your schedule.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this course?

No specific prerequisites are required. This course is accessible to all parents, regardless of their previous knowledge of psychology. The content is presented in a user-friendly manner, making it suitable for individuals with varying levels of familiarity with the subject.

Can I access the course materials after completing the modules?

Yes, once you've completed the course, you will retain lifetime access to the materials. This allows you to revisit specific modules or reference course content whenever needed.

How will this course help me in real-life parenting situations?

The course is designed to provide practical insights and strategies that you can apply directly to your parenting journey. From building stronger emotional bonds to navigating challenging behaviors, the knowledge gained will equip you to handle real-life parenting situations with confidence and empathy.

Are there opportunities for interaction and support within the course?

Absolutely. The course includes forums and discussion boards where you can connect with fellow parents, share experiences, and engage in discussions facilitated by our course instructors. Additionally, live Q&A sessions provide direct interaction and support. On top of that, should you choose to go with the Tier 2 selection, you’ll have an additional 60-minute 1-on-1 session with me.

What types of assessments or assignments are included in the course?

The course does not include assessments. It does, however, include downloadable PDF material to help you reflect with practical tips. The downloadable material is designed to reinforce your understanding of the video material and offer opportunities for hands-on application of the concepts covered.

Can I share access to the course with my partner or spouse?

Yes, we encourage shared learning experiences. Once enrolled, you can discuss the course content and engage in the interactive components together. If both individuals would like to receive individual certifications, separate enrollments are required.

What if I have technical issues or need assistance during the course?

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any technical issues or inquiries you may have. You can reach out through the platform, and we'll promptly address your concerns to ensure a smooth learning experience.

“The greatest tragedy of the family is the unlived lives of the parents”

— Carl Jung