The 4 rules of Friendship

How do you think your friends are influencing you?

Think about it for a second. When was the last time one of your peers influenced you about fashion, music, going out, activities, relationships? Was this influence positive or negative?

Since we are kids, we start to develop friendships based on one underlying characteristic: Both parties have equal power.

Kids see adults as the dominant party so we tend to seek friends that are equal to us.

For kids, the main source of influence, support and guidance is the caregiver but as we grow up, our peers become a much stronger source of influence.

As adolescents, we tend to be passive recipients of peer influences. No wonder why smoking, for example, usually starts during that age (as we associate it with a rebellious image or might grant us access to particular groups that are “cool”).

“We want to be equals with them, therefore, we will act the way they do”

As we mature, the concept of friendship evolves. But the underlying pattern of “equality” is always there. And that is a powerful condition we often forget, especially when we deal with friendships which have a negative effect on us.

What friendship is, might have a different meaning to different people at different times.

But there are 4 Rules of Friendship that each person should do:

1. Gain equal benefits from the relationship
2. Have the desire to spend time together
3. Have fun and express affection for the other
4. Both should cooperate so that both are satisfied with the resolution of conflicts

The influence of friends in our wellbeing is undisputed so choose wisely whom you allow in your life and with whom you spend time with!

And the last question for you:

Whom amongst your friends do you admire more and for what reason?

Always question, everything (especially why you choose the friends you have)


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